Tuesday, October 25, 2011

ABORTION: Prolife, Prochoic or both

The issue of when life begins is still a debate among some here in the United State, especially between those who are pro-life and pro-choice. When does life begin? People who are pro-life say that life begins at conception (when the ovum is fertilized by a sperm). Some have even gone further, as saying that a male masturbation that leads to the ejaculation is a destruction of life.  Those who are pro-choice believe individual have the right to take a decision in regards to what occur within their body and the termination of pregnancy.   
In America freedom is one of those thing people are proud of; no wonder America is called the land of the free and the home of the brave. Pro-life and pro-choice both agree we have individual freedom, but they differ is on the issue of abortion. Abortion as we all know is termination of a pregnancy before coming to full term. When a woman wants to terminate a pregnancy, I want to believe it is not an easy decision.  I do not think a woman wakes up and say “I want to get pregnant so that I can abort the pregnancy”. This is any issue men do not have authority on. Some people say a woman doesn’t have the right to terminate her pregnancy. If we live in a society that talk about individual right, at what point does that right cease to exist? People say they do not want government in their personal life, only to say government should intervene in a very personal decision such as abortion.
Those who are pro-life usually say they are concern about the life of child, and the right of an unborn child. We have seen so often that when a child is born, those who say that they are pro life cease to care about that child. There are babies who have no parents, and are in special homes waiting for someone to adopt them. I do not see people who are pro-life going ahead with the campaign, to see to it that the life of a new born is well catered for. It seems they only care for life only when it is in the womb, when that child is born they are on their own. If you are pro-life, you should be concerned about life all the way. The welfare of a child should be everyone’s concern, and those who claim they are pro life should even be more concern about a child’s well-being whether they have parents or not. If you are pro-life, when was the last time you paid a visit to a home for babies who are motherless? What have you done to support babies and kids struggling with serious life threatening health care issue? What program have the pro-life group put in place to make sure that women don’t get to the stage of considering terminating a pregnancy?
If people are pro-life or pro-choice we can all avoid the fight about abortion, both groups can take steps well ahead of time to prevent women from getting to the stage of considering terminating a pregnancy.  Let’s walk our way back, before abortion is considered a pregnancy must have occurred, before a pregnancy occurs sex must have occurred between a man and woman. Why not be proactive and nip things in the bud, and act to prevent woman from getting pregnant especially those who are not planning to. What happened to the campaign of save sex and the use of condom and other contraceptive use? If you think people should not be engaging in sex before marriage why not roll out a campaign for abstinence or against fornication? When was the last time you heard a message about fornication in a religious institution?
We can be against abortion or for abortion, but we cannot make decision for people that involve what happened in their personal life. You can only plead for people to do the right thing and present a life that will make other listen or pay attention to you. If we believe in individual freedom, we should respect that freedom. We should also note that we exercise our right to certain issues, and not everyone is pleased with what we consider as our right. In America today, abortion is legal. That law can be rendered useless if, we all make an effort to try to communicate to women on how to avoid unwanted pregnancy.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Is there a God?

The debate of the existence of God has become a front burner issue over time; due to the fact that the world is changing. People have come to acknowledge that the only constant thing is change; it is inevitable. The question of whether there is a super natural being or an intelligent design is even more prominent now, in this ever chaos world of: war, terrorism, economic meltdown and racism. If we have to add the frequent occurrence of natural disaster such as: tsunami, earthquake, drought, hurricane, tornado etc. I hope you can understand why people will ask, does God exist! If there is a God, who we have been told is all powerful and merciful and is in full control of this earth, why do bad things happen especially to the innocent.
There are two questions in our heart that we still seek answers to, that is how did man come into existence and what happens to man when he dies. These questions seem to have two answers based on religion and science. There is the story of the big bang follow by evolution from science and the story of the Garden of Eden from religion. The story of man existence is a topic on its own, but the question now is God out there or up there.
Some wonder if God exist where was he an hour, a day, a month or even a year before he created the world. I can hear a voice asking, is the almighty a man. Where did we get the notion of God from? Where is the resident of God? Is he white, black or mixed? What language does God speak? Those who question the existence of God want answers to these questions and much more. However, those who believe say he has to exist; how do you explain the image of man. Who created the first man? Science says that every cell comes from a preexisting cell, if that is true, then God created the first cell. There was a time it was said that it was impossible for a man to fly, but today we see that man can fly. Just because we cannot see or comprehend something that does not mean we can say it does not exist.
While we question if there is God, we do not question the fact that the world has good people and bad people. I guess what we see we believe. Do you believe in love? Do you believe that there is an air we breathe? Some will definitely say yes; have you seen love or air can your describe love or air or what it looks like.
Why is man on this planet and not in other planet? What are we here for? What is the purpose of life on earth?  All those we have lost, are we ever going to see them again? We want answers and it hurts when you can find answers. May be we are all supposed to live by faith. That is another question, what do you believe?